Save it Now. Read it Later.

Save it Now. Read it Later.

Library lets you save the stories, articles, and web content you find to enjoy later.

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Stop skimming. Start reading.

There’s lots of great content out there, but not a lot of time to read it. Now you can save the stuff you want to read the most and come back to it when you have time.

One-click saving

Once you install the extension in your browser, simply click the Library icon to save content in your Library.

One-click saving

Know how long an article is

Not sure if you have enough time? Library estimates how long it takes to read the content so you can decide if you want to continue or save it for later.

Know how long an article is

Stay organized

Add tags to your saved content, mark items as favorites, or simply delete content when you’re done reading.

Stay organized

Discover new stuff

Running out of good reads? Library will suggest new articles, stories, and other content that’s similar to what you’ve already saved.

Discover new stuff

Start building your own Library now

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About us

Library was created by Assembly Digital Media—the makers of Facty, Heywise, The Habitat, Critter Culture, and The Getaway. As dedicated content creators and digital publishers, we know how easy it is for great content to be missed because of time constraints or lost in the noise. We created Library as a place for you to save the stuff you want to read for when you actually have time to read it, so you never miss a thing.